Orgànics Clean Awards 8-10 Products Application

410,00 + IVA

The 8-10 Products Candidacy includes:

  1. Participate in all applicable Product Categories.
  2. Participate in all applicable Brand Categories.
  3. Logo of your brand/brands on the cover of the VI Orgànics Clean Awards and in the collaborators area of Orgànics Magazine.
  4. 10 free entries in the categories of product tools, decoration and supplements*.
  5. Mini review on Orgànics Magazine’s social networks shared with other participant brands.
  6. Exclusive mini review on Orgànics Magazine’s social networks.
  7. Inclusion of 1 product in a special article in Orgànics Magazine with other participant brands.
  8. Mention of your brand/brands in the Orgànics Magazine social media publication of the product article.
  9. Inclusion of your brand/brands in a special article in Orgànics Magazine about the brands participating in the VI Orgànics Clean Awards.
  10. Mention of your brand/brands in the Orgànics Magazine social media publication of the brands article.